Anal Fissure

Anal skin tags can be removed by a GP through burning or freezing therapy. Occasionally they may need to be removed using a surgical procedure using a local anaesthetic. Treatment may not be available on the NHS as it may be seen as a low clinical priority and more of a cosmetic procedure.
Recovery should be quick after the procedure without much pain afterwards.Hygiene is important afterwards because of where the tags were and the obvious risk of infection from faeces. Aftercare may include the use of laxatives, painkillers and sitz baths to help soothe the area and give pain relief.

Is a crack or vertical ulcer of EXTERNAL or lower anal canal causing pain & sometimes bleeding ( if blood vessels are involved) during defecation.

MCDPA therapy is the first line treatment.

Sclerotherapy… sclerosing agents like diluted aqueous solution of kshar is applied over ulcer or crack which takes about 5 minutes to complete the procedure at clinic & patient can go home and start all his daily routine works after 10 minutes.
The MCDPA is followed up to next 15days.

KSHAR SUTRA ligation treatment (kslt)… the 2nd stage of anal FISSURE with heavy bleeding & severe pain is commonly called anal tear.
In such case the opening of bleeding vein is ligated with the kshar sutra which stops bleeding and works as cauterising agent.
This ambulatory procedure takes about 10 to 15 minutes & patient can do his daily routine works after 1to2 hours of procedure.
For better results & better relief patient has to follow MCDPA up to next 15 to 30 days.