
corn (or clavus, plural clavi or clavuses) is a distinctively shaped callus of dead skin that usually occurs on thin or glabrous(hairless and smooth) skin surfaces, especially on the dorsal surface of toes or fingers. They can sometimes occur on the thicker skin of the palms or bottom of the feet.
Corns form when the pressure point against the skin traces an elliptical or semi-elliptical path during the rubbing motion, the center of which is at the point of pressure, gradually widening. If there is constant stimulation of the tissue producing the corns, even after the corn is surgically removed, the skin may continue to grow as a corn.

Wart, corn, skin tag…… are abnormal growth of skin because of various reasons,
The kshar karma & kslt  can cure these conditions without any hospitalization or stay, commonly this nearly painless procedure takes about 5to10 minutes & patient can continue all routine works after treatment,some oral & local ointments are used to improve the post kshar karma recovery of skin texture.