Kshar Karma Therapy & Kshar Sutra Ligation Treatment


K s l t is a  branch of Ayurvedic surgical procedure known as kshar karma. KK has two words in it first k s h a r and second is Karma or procedure, kshar is an ayurvedic medicine which is alkaline or caustic in nature along with healing , antimicrobial and antiseptic properties obtained from Ashes of various medicinal Herbs by specific Ayurvedic procedure, KK is a milder procedure compared to surgery and thermal cautery that's why it is the superior most among the sharp and subsidiary instruments because of performing excision, incision, scrapping debridement  along with promotion of cell growth for faster and healthy wound healing process.

Kshar Karma can be divided in three branches on on the basis of potency /concentration/ PH value  that is TIKSHNA ( high potency)KSHAR, Madhya (moderate) KSHAR, maridhu (milder)KSHAR., & ON the other hand Kshar Karma can also be divided into PRATISARANIYA(EXTERNAL APPLICATION) KSHAR & PANEEY(INTERNAL ADMINISTERED ) KSHAR.
The PRATISARANIYA or external application of Kshar can be further divided into several type as per use and site of application for example Kshar Sutra(kshar thread ), kshar pichu ( bandage and gauze ), kshar lepa (kshar paste),kshar powder and Ksharodaka(filtered solution of kshar in aqueous form) etc depending on severity and type of disease like in internal and external hemorrhoids or piles ,anal fistula ,rectal and and anal prolapse, pilonidal sinus or pns ,dermal sinus ,anal fissure and tear, anal prolapse, infected chronic non healing bones EX diabetic foot ulcer , fournier's and wet gangrene, abscesses ,burn ,post surgical  non healing wounds,wart,corn,skin tag ,polyp ,pyocele etc
The PANEEY KSHAR (orally ADMINISTRATION of mild potency aqueous solution of kshar or Ksharodaka) covers INTERNAL diseases like worms, urinary calculus ,skin diseases,vastron intestinal disorders like indigestion dyspepsia constipation hyperacidity etc.

The complete kshar krna treatment is available at Dr Mittal clinic , the quality of kshar is sure because Dr Mittal makes all kind of kshar by collecting all raw drugs & herbal medicines by his own efforts prepares kshar as per need of specific patient & disease that's why the efficacy of kshar karma/kshar sutra is very high ,for better treatment dr. Mittal uses modern ayurvedic medicines for faster recovery of patient,he also has his team if doctors for best modern & effective choice of treatment.